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Procedure of public procurement by corporate customers has been changed in Uzbekistan
The President of Uzbekistan approved the Resolution “On additional measures to ensure transparency and increase the efficiency of public procurement” No.ПП-5171 dated on July 2, 2021.
EBRD, J.P. Morgan and Moody’s have improved their economic forecasts for Uzbekistan
In its recently published analytical report titled “Uzbekistan: Soum'er Solstice”, the investment bank J. P. Morgan included Uzbekistan into the list of countries that achieved high sustainable growth rates in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Harmonization of international and national technical regulations
Currently, some technical regulations of the Customs Union are in force in the EAEU.
Introduction of a trigger measure for certain types of clothing from Vietnam
Currently, an Agreement on a free trade zone between Vietnam and the EAEU countries has been signed. Article 2.10 of the Agreement provides that the EAEU may apply a trigger safeguard measure in the form of a customs duty equal to the most-favored-nation customs duty rate.
A new version of the law on Customs regulation in Belarus
A new version of the Law on Customs Regulation in Belarus is currently being signed by the President. The changes were due to the alignment with the Customs Code of the EAEU, the legislation of the EAEU, and the practice of applying the current law.
Reducing the period of self-isolation
For persons arriving from countries classified as a "red zone", it is required to observe self-isolation. Since 17.07.2021, the period of self-isolation has been reduced from 10 to 7 days. Now, when transiting from countries classified as a "red zone", self-isolation is necessary.