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GRATA International held its fourth international online conference
The virtual event on ‘Access to the Construction Market of the GRATA Operating Countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Turkey’ was held on 11 March, 2021.
GRATA International in International rankings
A leading Russian law firms rating directory Pravo-300 released the results of its first ever research of legal markets of CIS countries. The main goal of Pravo-300 International is to provide an overview of the regional legal market, identify main players and help Russia law firms find reliable partners for projects in the local jurisdictions.
Import of polyethylene packaging products is banned
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev had issued a Decree on approval the Law on Amendments to the Law “On environmental protection” that was adopted by Milli Mejlis. (December 31, 2020).
Fines for not wearing a face mask are increased
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev had issued a Decree on approval the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Amendments to the Code on Administrative Offences that was adopted by Milli Mejlis ( December 18, 2020).
Period of the law "On full deposit insurance" is extended
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev had issued a Decree on approval the Law on Amendments to the Law “On full deposit insurance” that was adopted by Milli Mejlis. (December 18, 2020).