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GRATA International held the online Labour Law Conference
On 8-10 December 2020, the firm arranged the online conference 'Labour Law Issues: Practical cases' for Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The conference was held through ZOOM platform both in Russian and English.
Extension and tighten of special quarantine regime on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan has issued a Decision to extend the special quarantine regime on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan until January 31, 2021. (Decision #488, dated December 08, 2020)
Extension of the special quarantine regime in Azerbaijan
The Decision #450 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 19, 2020 defines an extension of the special quarantine regime in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
GRATA Law Firm held an International Online Conference for Litigation
On 29 October 2020, an international online conference was held on: Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements and Arbitral Awards in 10 jurisdictions of GRATA International on ZOOM platform.
Extension of the special quarantine regime in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision #427 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated October 28, 2020 defines an extension of the special quarantine regime in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan until December 01, 2020.