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Our team in Moscow has strengthened its litigation practice with the addition of Nikolay Volodin
We are glad to announce that our growing team in Moscow (Russia) has strengthened its litigation practice with the addition of a new Senior Associate Nikolay Volodin joining in August 2020. 
The government of the Russian Federation approved the ratification of the free trade zone agreement (FTA) between the EEU and Serbia
This agreement opens up opportunities for duty-free trade between the Republic of Serbia and the EEU member countries, namely Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Armenia.
Providing compensation for tourists spending their holidays in Russia
According to the statement of the Association of tour operators of Russia, tourists who decide to spend their holidays in Russia will get a partial compensation for the costs of tours in the form of cashback on a Bank card "Mir". This possibility is provided by the program for stimulating tourist trips in Russia, developed by Rostourism together with the operator of the Mir payment system.
The conclusions of detectives can become evidence in the courts
The State Duma has prepared a bill, according to which it is proposed to attach evidence collected by the private detectives to the criminal cases.
The "telework" bill
After the introduction of restrictions in connection with the pandemic, it became obvious that the legal regulation of remote work in the Russian Federation is not just imperfect, but practically absent. But everything has its advantages, this situation has prompted the adoption of measures to eliminate gaps in legislation on this issue.
Review of the easing of quarantine measures from June 1
The first month of summer, this year, pleased the residents of St. Petersburg not only with the rare Sunny weather for the Northern capital, but also with rumors about the gradual lifting of quarantine measures, which caused the city's residents to enjoy the interiors of their own homes all spring. Some of the rumors were confirmed.