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Measures to tighten control over microcredit companies are coming into force
Micro-credit organizations that are not NPOs are required to disclose information on the structure and composition of their shareholders (participants), including persons under whose control or significant influence they are, on the Internet starting from July 1, 2020. Previously, this obligation was not fixed by the legislator. These measures are aimed at increasing the transparency of the activities of such companies, as well as strengthening control over their activities.
A small business may be exempt from mandatory audit
This idea carries the Bill Number 975888-7 "On amendments to the Federal law "On auditing activities".
FTS launches a service for checking criteria for tax benefits
The Federal tax service (FTS) of Russia has launched a service that allows taxpayers to check whether they are exempt from paying taxes in the second quarter of this year due to the spread of coronavirus. The service is called "Checking the possibility of exemption from taxes and insurance premiums for reporting periods related to the second quarter of 2020".
GRATA International's Russian team featured in Best Lawyers rankings 
Best Lawyers, one of the leading peer-review publications, has recently released its rankings of best legal professionals in Russia.
The Samara office of GRATA International held a webinar: “Force Majeure in Russia and abroad: Practice of application during the pandemic period”
On May 15, 2020 Dmitry Samigullin, partner of GRATA International (Russia) spoke on the consequences of failure to fulfill contractual obligations in Russia and abroad.
The Supreme court of the Russian Federation explained: if there is no contract, this does not mean that it is impossible to collect the debt
Organization-1 performed for the Organization-2 services for the repair of the roof of the building without a contract, and then sent to the address of the Organization-2 the relevant act of acceptance of work performed, certificate of cost of works and costs. However, Organization-2 refused to sign these documents, because, in its view, the disputed work was performed pursuant to a subcontract entered into between Organization-1 and the third party, and repairs is warranty.