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Amendments and additions have been made to the Clearing System of Central Bank of Uzbekistan
By the Resolution of the Board of the Central Bank No. 2570-1 dated September 28, 2020, the following adjustments were made.
The World Bank maintains a positive outlook for the economy of Uzbekistan
On October 7 this year, the World Bank published a new regional economic review. According to this review, Uzbekistan will be one of only two countries in the Europe and Central Asia region that will demonstrate economic growth in 2020.
Fitch maintains Uzbekistan's credit rating at BB-
The international rating agency Fitch Ratings (the “Agency”) has released a regular report on the sovereign credit rating of Uzbekistan. According to the report, Uzbekistan's sovereign credit rating remained unchanged at BB- (stable).
A new edition of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On public procurement” has been drafted
The Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan, together with specialists from relevant ministries and departments, has developed a new edition of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On public procurement” (“Draft law”). Asian Development Bank and the World Bank also took an active part in the development of the Draft law.
GRATA International ranks high in Asialaw Profiles and Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2021
The team of GRATA International was ranked among the best firms in Kazakhstan and placed in the highest tiers - "outstanding" and "recommended".
GRATA International law firm took part in the International Legal Banking Forum
On September 24-25, 2020, the Forum on theme: "Topical issues of law in the banking sector" was held.