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Uzbekistan plans to issue Eurobonds worth USD 500 million
Uzbekistan plans to issue Eurobonds in national currency equivalent to USD 500 million in the domestic market. Based on the budget requirements, Eurobonds denominated in UZ equivalent to USD 500 million, can be placed this year and the same amount next year.
Limited liability companies were allowed to issue corporate bonds
Uzbek Parliament has passed a law granting limited liability companies (the “LLCs”) the right to issue corporate bonds (the “Draft Law”). The draft is now due for parliamentary approval by the Senate and by the president.
Measures to tighten control over microcredit companies are coming into force
Micro-credit organizations that are not NPOs are required to disclose information on the structure and composition of their shareholders (participants), including persons under whose control or significant influence they are, on the Internet starting from July 1, 2020. Previously, this obligation was not fixed by the legislator. These measures are aimed at increasing the transparency of the activities of such companies, as well as strengthening control over their activities.
Strategy of reforming the banking sector of Uzbekistan is adopted
On 12 May 2020 President of the Republic signed the Decree “On Strategy of reforming the banking sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2025 years” No.УП-5992 (the “Decree No.УП-5992”). The Decree No.УП-5992 established Strategy and the “Roadmap” of reforming the banking sector, as well as the main principles and directions of transformation of this sphere.
Rules for issuing and circulating electronic money have been approved in Uzbekistan
The Resolution of Board of the Central Bank No.3231 dated April 29, 2020, approved the Rules developed in accordance with the Law “On Payments and Payment Systems” No.ЗРУ-578 dated November 1, 2019 (hereinafter “the Law No.ЗРУ-578”), governing the issue, sale, acquisition, use and redemption of electronic money (the “Rules”).
Decision of the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan on additional measures to support individuals and entrepreneurs amid coronavirus pandemic
On April 23, 2020, the Management Board of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan adopted a decision “on additional measures to support individuals and entrepreneurs amid coronavirus pandemic”.