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A thermal power plant with a capacity of 1500 MW is being built in the Sirdaryа region of Uzbekistan
On the basis of the Presidential Resolution No.4799 “On measures to organize the construction of a new thermal power plant with a capacity of 1500 MW in the Sirdarya region” dated August 10, 2020, it was envisaged to build a thermal power plant on a turnkey basis in the Boevut district and in the city of Shirin of the Sirdarya region.
A new small industrial zone has been created in the Tashkent region
The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No.ПКМ-657 “On measures to create a small industrial zone in the Yangiyul district of the Tashkent region” (the “Resolution No.ПКМ-657”) provides for the opening of a small industrial zone with an area of 36 hectares.
New responsible person for RES of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been appointed
Abdullajon Otaboev has been appointed Head of the Department for Development of Generation Based on Renewable Energy Sources of the Ministry of Energy.
Financial support to exporters has been expanded in Uzbekistan
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 21 signed a new Decree “On further expansion of financial support for export activities” No.УП-6091 (the “Decree No.УП-6091”).
The special commission will be engaged in the development of exports and attraction of investments in Uzbekistan
According to the Presidential Decree No.UP-6042 “On additional measures of further development of the export and investment potential of the Republic” dated August 18, 2020 (the “Decree No.UP-6042”), the appointment of the Deputy Prime Minister for Investments and Foreign Economic Relations as the Chairman of the Governmental Commission was envisaged.
Local producers will be granted priority in public procurement
In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures for support of domestic manufacturers” dated 21 August 2020, a mechanism of temporary bans and restrictions on goods, products, works and services provided by foreign persons is going to be introduced from 1 November 2020.