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Company liquidation procedure is simplified
Starting from January 1, 2020, liquidation procedures will be simplified. In particular, the announcement of the liquidation of the enterprise no longer needs to be published in print media, liquidating business should post the announcement on the website of the State Services Agency.
Deputies adopted the new edition of the Tax Code of Uzbekistan
The new edition of the Tax Code introduces a risk analysis program and, in accordance with that, business entities are divided into 3 segments automatically in case of danger.
Uzbekistan is planning to cancel the registration of foreign citizens arriving in Uzbekistan for up to 30 days
From July, 1 2020, the procedure of registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons who are in the country for a period of not more than 30 days is proposed to be abolished. This reformation is provided for in the draft Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to improve the effectiveness of ongoing reforms in the tourism sector” developed by the State Committee for Tourism Development.
The Economist awarded Uzbekistan as the country of the year
British magazine The Economist named Uzbekistan as the country of the year, while other candidates were New Zealand, Northern Macedonia and Sudan. According to the publication, Uzbekistan still has a long way to go, but in 2019 no other country has improved so far.
Functions and institutional structure of the Ministry of Economy were expanded
By a Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated October 23, 2019 the functions and institutional structure of the Ministry of Economy were expanded. Ministry of Taxes, State Committee on Property Issues, State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Rights Protection were included into the structure of the Ministry of Economy in the status of relevant public services.
Milli Majlis adopted a Law “on Procedure for the use of the right of citizens to initiate legislation”
On October 22, 2019, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a new law "on Procedure for the use of the right of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan to legislative initiative" (Law).