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Uzbekistan and ADB sign loan agreements for USD 500 million
A meeting was held between Enrico Pinali, Acting Director of the Representative Office of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Uzbekistan and Jamshid Kuchkarov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the meeting, they signed loan agreements in the total amount of USD 500 million to improve economic governance in the country and develop the mortgage market sector in Uzbekistan.
EBRD supports Uzbek healthcare industry
Patients of healthcare centers in Central Asia’s most populated country will benefit from better care and hygiene standards following the introduction of modern medical manufacturing facilities in Uzbekistan, supported by the EBRD.
Residents of the Mirzo Ulugbek Innovation Centre joining the IT-PARK
Given the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Mirzo Ulugbek Innovation Centre (MUIC) is abolished, and its residents move to the Technological Park of software products and information technologies.
101 profitable investment offers from the regions of Uzbekistan
Agency for Foreign Investment Promotion in collaboration with the Development Center for Investment Projects and khokimiyats of regions developed 101 investment offers worth a total of USD 892 000 000.
The mandatory registration of labor contracts is introduced from 2020 in Uzbekistan
In Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No.971 dated December 5, 2019 a mechanism is being introduced to work with the interdepartmental hardware-software complex Unified National Labor System (UNLS).
A new procedure for the circulation of securities has been established in Uzbekistan
The capital market Development Agency Republic of Uzbekistan has established a new procedure for the circulation of securities. The new procedure allows circulation of securities only in the case of after the completion of their placement period.