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Expanded functionality of the public services portal «»
Now through the «single digital window" you can submit proposals, applications and complaints to state and local authorities, as well as their subordinate organizations.
To help entrepreneurs: Tajikistan will launch a single window system
Entrepreneurs in Tajikistan will find it easier to process documents.
Changes in conducting exploration works in Uzbekistan
On November 18, 2019, the President signed the Resolution “On measures to improve the system of organizing and conducting exploration work for oil and gas”.
Uzbek-European Association for Economic Cooperation is created
On November 12, the inauguration ceremony of the Uzbek-European Association for Economic Cooperation was held at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Belgium.
The Ministry of Investment of Uzbekistan and the Eximbank of Korea signed an agreement for USD 74 million
There was held a meeting at the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade with the delegation of the Eximbank of Korea, led by the Director of Financial Operations, Ch. Yoon-soo, as well as with representatives of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan.