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GRATA International Law firm held the online conference: Specifics of concluding a license agreement
On September 30, 2021, the conference: Specifics of concluding a license agreement in: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan was held.
GRATA International held the next online meeting on legal issues at CCIFK
On October 1, 2021, an online meeting on the topic: "Environmental permits and declarations on the impact on the environment" at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Kazakhstan was held.
GRATA International leads Kazakhstan rankings in Asialaw 2022 rankings
The recently published edition of asialaw 2022, the definitive guide to Asia's leading law firms and lawyers, released its recommendations and identified legal experts in practice areas and industry sectors across 23 jurisdictions in Asia-Pacific.
GRATA International held the meeting of Legal Working Group
On September 2, 2021 the online meeting of the Legal Working Group at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Kazakhstan was held. Kamila Urazalina, Senior Associate of GRATA International spoke on: "Customs regulation of e-commerce".
Kamila Urazalina, Senior Associate of GRATA International spoke at the webinar held by EUROBAK
On September 2, 2021 the webinar at the European Business Association of Kazakhstan was held. Kamila Urazalina, Senior Associate of GRATA International spoke on: "Customs regulation of e-commerce".
GRATA International will hold a webinar: "Customs regulation of e-commerce"
On September 10, 2021 the webinar: “Customs regulation of e-commerce will be held online.