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​Leading Expert Lands at GRATA’s Dispute Resolution team
Zhandarbek Ramazan, an experienced judge of the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of Almaty, joins GRATA International as Counsel and Co-Head of the Almaty Office Litigation Practice effective February 16, 2022.
Update on recent events in Kazakhstan [as of January 19, 2022]
As many of you know, the recent events in Kazakhstan caused temporary disruption to our direct communications with clients as the internet connection was not fully available in most parts of the country. 
Announcement [Updated: January 11, 2022]
Following the recent events in Kazakhstan, the position has now stabilised, and things are slowly returning to normal. We are pleased to report that all our staff are well and none of the offices in Kazakhstan have been disrupted
Kazakhstan President’s speech at Parliament: key reform measures
After a brief description of the events which were caused by socio-economic problems and ineffective work of state bodies, as well as the growing economic inequality among the population, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Kemelevich Tokayev, in his speech at a meeting of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, outlined the following measures for the upcoming reform in the country.
You will no doubt be aware of recent events in Kazakhstan which have become the subject of international attention. One of the consequences of these events is that for the time being all forms of communication with Kazakhstan have been restricted. We hope and believe that this will be temporary and that we will all soon be in touch with our Kazakh colleagues and offices. We can report that our colleagues and friends there are all well and that the offices continue to operate notwithstanding these temporary difficulties
Chambers Asia-Pacific 2022 released
In the rankings, released by Chambers & Partners, GRATA International has confirmed its standing as one of the leading firms in Central Asia and Caspian region. Teams in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan received ratings across major practice areas.