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We are pleased to inform you about the publication of the third issue of the international scientific and practical legal journal «Chamber of Arbitrators»
We are pleased to inform you about the publication of the third issue of the international scientific and practical legal journal «Chamber of Arbitrators», which includes two expert materials from the Chinese and Belarusian offices of GRATA International.
Registration for the III International Student Competition «Chamber of Arbitrators - 2023» is open
GRATA International, Belarus is a sponsor of the International student competition on International Trade Law and International Commercial Arbitration «Chamber of Arbitrators» for the third consecutive year.
Lizaveta Tsianiuta, Junior Associate of GRATA International, Belarus, attended the online seminar «Non-performance of the supply contract: how to recover debt, penalties, interest? » as a speaker
On June 30, 2023 «Yurist» magazine held an online seminar «Non-performance of the supply contract: how to recover debt, penalty, interest? ».
Maxim Lashkevich was a speaker on the online seminar «New requirements for leasing real estate: what to focus on since November 20, 2023».
On June 29, 2023, Maxim Lashkevich, Partner, Head of the practice Construction and Infrastructure, spoke at the online seminar «New requirements for leasing real estate: what to focus on since November 20, 2023».
GRATA International Belarus held the second regional business seminar «Logistics, Finance, Foreign Economic Activity in 2023»
On July 6, 2023 GRATA International Belarus together with its partners multimodal freight forwarder RTL Alliance, consulting company ASER, CJSC «MTBank» held the second regional business seminar «Logistics, Finance, Foreign Economic Activity in 2023» in Mogilev Regional Development Agency.
Interview with Zaira Sarsenova, Partner of GRATA International in the framework of the project "Successful Partnership in Law Firm"
The Legal Practice in Central Asia held an interview with Zaira Sarsenova, Partner of GRATA International Kazakhstan in Atyrau within the framework of the project: "Successful Partnership in Law Firm".