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Жаңалықтар бойынша іздеу
The Convention between Japan and Uzbekistan on the elimination of double taxation comes into force
On 17 September 2020, there were completed the procedures for the entry into force of the “Convention between Japan and the Republic of Uzbekistan on the elimination of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of tax evasion and avoidance” (the “Convention”) signed in December 2019. The Convention will enter into force on 17 October 2020.
GRATA International held the meeting of working group on legal issues at the CCI France- Kazakhstan
On September 30, 2020, the online meeting on theme: “Data exclusivity: legal significance for the pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan” was held.
Presidential Decree on Martial Law
On September 27, 2020, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia started again to violate the norms of international law by using various types of weapons, including heavy artillery, fired on the settlements and military positions of the Republic of Azerbaijan from several directions resulting in civilian and military casualties.
GRATA International ranks high in Asialaw Profiles and Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2021
The team of GRATA International was ranked among the best firms in Kazakhstan and placed in the highest tiers - "outstanding" and "recommended".
Extension of special quarantine regime in Azerbaijan
The Decision #359 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 28, 2020 defines an extension of the special quarantine regime in the territory of Azerbaijan.
GRATA International law firm took part in the International Legal Banking Forum
On September 24-25, 2020, the Forum on theme: "Topical issues of law in the banking sector" was held.