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On determining the procedure for registration of medicinal products for medical use
Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic dated March 7, 2023 No. 136 approved the Procedure for State Registration of Medicines for Medical Use
On approval of the list of goods originating from foreign countries subject to withdrawal from the national regime in the course of public procurement
Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic dated March 16, 2023 N 112-r approved the list of goods originating from foreign countries subject to withdrawal from the national regime in public procurement.
Natalia Zhuk, the counsel of GRATA International Belarus, and Violetta Liudchyk, junior associate, took part in the webinar “Foreign exchange contract and non-monetary termination of obligations under the FEA contract”
The “Foreign Economic Activity” practice experts of GRATA International, Belarus gave recommendations on contractual work during the webinar held on February 24, 2023. The speakers highlighted the foreign exchange contracts registration aspects on the Belarusian National Bank portal.
GRATA International Belarus “Corporate law” practice members took part in the webinar “Shareholder's withdrawal and share sale”
Managing Partner Dmitry Viltovsky and Junior associate Violetta Liudchyk were the speakers of the webinar “Shareholder’s withdraw and share sale”
GRATA International Belarus joined the International online conference on corporate law
On February 28, 2023 GRATA International held the online-conference "Corporate governance and M&A in GRATA International operating countries: Belarus, Georgia, Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan”.
GRATA International Belarus participated in a business forum between Nizhny Novgorod Region (Russia) and Belarus
On March 14, 2023 business forum was carried out between Nizhny Novgorod Region (Russia) and Belarus.