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More Belarusian companies with foreign capital from "unfriendly" countries are subject to corporate restrictions
To protect the state interests, the Government of Belarus adopted a resolution in summer 2022 imposing restrictions on Belarusian legal entities, whose shareholders (stockholders) are entities of foreign states carrying out unfriendly acts towards Belarus.
Construction material prices freeze again
From July 2022, the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Belarus has imposed restrictions on the formation of selling prices of goods used in construction and production of such materials. The resolution was temporary and expired on January 1, 2023.
Belarus has updated the procedure for the seizure and allotment of land plots
The entry into force of the new edition of the Land Code required amendments in by-laws. The government has approved 21 new regulations.
GRATA International became a Partner of the Central Asian Rounds of the Competition 2023
The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition is the world’s oldest and largest moot court competition, bringing together participants from over 700 law schools in 100 countries and jurisdictions each year.
Gulnur Nurkeyeva recognized as the A-list Lawyer by China Business Law Journal
We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Gulnur Nurkeeva, Partner, Head of GRATA International China Office, has been recognized as the A-list Lawyer 2022 by China Business Law Journal. 
GRATA International Kazakhstan is an official Partner at the Eurasian Pharmaceutical Forum 2023
The 14th International Eurasian Pharmaceutical Forum 2023 will take place from February 28 to March 1, 2023 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.