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Uzbekistan ranked 87th in the United Nations e-Government Development Index
According to the UN e-Government Development Index (the “EGD Index”), Uzbekistan ranked 87th among 193 UN member countries. Compared with the previous year's EGD Index, Uzbekistan's position has been lowered by 6 points.  However, Uzbekistan still holds 2nd position in EGD Index among the Central Asian countries.
GRATA International Belarus has become a co-organizer and partner of the International Security Forum
On June 11, 2020, as part of the International Forum on Security of Belarus and Russia, a preliminary online conference was held on the security of business and customers from financial risks, cyber attacks, as well as the preservation of assets and intellectual property.
Ummi Jalilova participated in the IR Annuall conference meeting
Partner and Director of GRATA Azerbaijan Ummi Jalilova participated in the IR Annuall conference meeting.
Lawyer of GRATA International became a patent attorney of the Kyrgyz Republic
Meder Akeneev, a lawyer of GRATA International (Bishkek), has successfully passed the qualification exam and received certificate of the patent attorney of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 44 dated 29 November 2019.
If you came up with a trademark, it does not mean that it will be yours in the future
The intellectual property court upheld the position of the lower courts in the position on the use of a trademark by one of the business partners after the end of the partnership, in the case when the trademark is not used by the party on which the mark is registered.