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The program "Financing micro - small and medium enterprises" to be launched in Uzbekistan
The Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, together with the German federal government represented by the KfW Development Bank, plans to launch the financial sector program “Financing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)” in the second half of 2020.
Holders of an investment visa receive a residence permit in Uzbekistan
By Presidential Decree from 17 January 2019, an investment visa was introduced for individuals who made foreign investments, and per the amendments introduced, the procedure for issuing this visa and related benefits was established.
Medical cluster will be built in Jizzakh region of Uzbekistan
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a Resolution dated 2 October, 2019, No.PKM-838 “On measures to create a modern medical cluster in the Gallaaral district of Jizzakh region”.
In 2020, new tax incentives will appear in the textile industry of Uzbekistan
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a Resolution dated 16 September, 2019, No.PP-4453 “On measures for the further development of light industry and stimulation of finished goods production”.
Excise tax increase in Uzbekistan
In addition to the previously planned increase of excise duty for alcohol and tobacco products, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated 26 September, 2019 No.UP-5837 “On measures for further improvement of tax policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan” rates for oil products, gas, mobile communications and polyethylene granules will increase.
New small industrial zones and clusters in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan
In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan dated 21 September, 2019, No.PKM-794, measures for the socio-economic development of Bukhara region for 2019–2023 were identified.