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There have been taken steps to boost private investment and further build confidence in the business community in Uzbekistan
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted Decree “On regular reforms to create conditions for stable economic growth by improving the business environment and developing the private sector” No.УП-101 dated April 8, 2022 (the – “Decree No.УП-101”).
There has been approved the procedure for issuing permits for the right to use subsoil plots in Uzbekistan
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further stimulate geological exploration and improve the procedure for taxing subsoil users” No.УП-6319 dated October 6, 2021 from January 1, 2022
Bolormaa Volodya, Partner of GRATA International Mongolia law firm was one of judges’ panel on students conference in English: “International Business Transactions”
On April 16, 2022, Department of Private Law of the Law school of National University of Mongolia held a Student Research Conference on “International Business Transactions: Governing Law, and Dispute Settlement Issues” dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the University.
Shaimerden Chikanaev, Partner of GRATA International Kazakhstan held a webinar jointly with Bestprofi
On April 11, 2022, a webinar on: The Institute of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in the civil law of Russia and Central Asian countries and the problem of qualifying a PPP agreement was held in cooperation with Bestprofi.
GRATA International in Armenia
GRATA International is honoured to announce that Rod Kurtman Legal represents GRATA International as an associate office in Armenia. Establishing an office in Armenia is a great convenience for our clients from Armenia, as well as for international clients of the entire network with interests in Armenia.