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Belarusian legal entities with foreign shareholding are subject to state control once again
In June 2023, the Belarusian Government updated the list of legal entities, whose shareholders are unfriendly state residents and cannot alienate their stocks (shares in the authorized capital). We remind you that the list was prepared as a countermeasure to foreign sanctions imposed on Belarus within the last 3 years and the unfriendly states are specified in the Government Resolution of April 6, 2022 No. 209 (
The High Tech Park restructuring started
To comply with the Edict the Belarusian Government issued a resolution dated May 24, 2023 on the establishment of the Secretariat and approval of its article of association. 
Belarusian refinancing rate continues to decrease
On June 21, 2023, the Board of the National Bank of Belarus decided to decrease the refinancing rate from 9,75% to 9,5% per annum (p.a.). We remind you that in March 2023 the rate was 11% p.a. and has been decreasing monthly since.
The distance-based retail of drugs is allowed in Belarus
On May 3, 2023, the Ministry of Health of Belarus adopted Resolution No. 69, which defines the procedure for online retail of drugs. It includes not only the receipt of orders for drugs, their generation, storage and delivery to the customer but also pharmaceutical consulting to the customer
In Belarus, residents of EEU member states will have to pay VAT on services rendered in electronic form 
On May 5, 2023 Belarus ratified the Protocol amending the EEU Treaty on the procedure for levying indirect taxes when rendering services in electronic form. The Protocol extends the EEU Treaty with provisions on the taxation of entities when rendering services in electronic form and approves the procedure for levying value-added tax when rendering services in electronic form (hereinafter - VAT levying procedure).
Belarus has adopted new rules for leasing and lending state property
On May 16, 2023, the President of Belarus issued Edict No. 138 "On leasing and lending of state property". State property is rented out based on a lease agreement.