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GRATA International took part in the VII Belarusian Forum of Corporate Lawyers in Minsk
The law firm GRATA International was represented by a senior associate Olga Velishkevich, who was a speaker in the section “Trade schemes with offshores: practice and taxation with amendments ‘2019” on subject “Problems of opening accounts for non-residents around the world. New KYC Standards”.
On the implementation in Belarus International Financial Reporting Standards and their Interpretations
Legislation fixes the obligation for socially significant organizations to prepare annual consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS.
On the implementation of agreements on the financing of cross-border cooperation
It should be reminded that between Belarus and the European Commission a number of agreements have been concluded, including on financing cross-border cooperation (CBC), under which our country undertake to provide tax incentives and other preferences within CBC co-financing.
Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus On renewable sources of energy
From November 1, 2019, the creation of new, as well as the reconstruction and modernization of existing renewable sources of energy within the quotas distributed from 2019 will be possible only with the use of new equipment and incentive coefficients when paying for electricity supplied to the state energy network.
Presidential Decree № 4 dated July 16th 2019 “On the change of taxation”
President amended Regulation on High Tech Park (HTP), approved by the Decree of the President of Republic of Belarus № 12 dated 22.09.2005. Amendments came into force on July 19th 2019, however are applicable from January 1st 2019.