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The unified procedure of implementing public-private partnership projects has been approved in Uzbekistan
According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On Improvement of the Procedure of Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Projects” No.259 dated April 24, 2020 (the “Resolution No.259”), the mechanism of forming and approving prices for products under public-private partnership projects (the “PPP”) has been determined.
On approval of the Regulation on the tender commission for public-private partnership projects
Regulation on Tender Commission for Public-Private Partnership Projects having been approved, defines the procedure of formation, activities and authorities of the Tender Commission for Public-Private Partnership Projects, as well as establishes qualification requirements for its members.
Improved state construction control procedure will be introduced in Uzbekistan
The Resolution of the President dated February 5, 2020 envisages a new, improved procedure for state control in the field of construction
GRATA International in Chambers Global 2020
Following the release of Chambers Global 2020, one of the most reputable international legal directories identifying best legal experts across the globe, GRATA International solidifies its position as one of the leading law firms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia by entering rankings in six countries.