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Ministry of Transport and PPP Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan concluded an agreement with the EBRD
An agreement on the implementation of the public-private partnership project "Construction of the Tashkent-Samarkand toll road" was signed between the Ministry of Transport and the PPP Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In accordance with the agreement, the EBRD will assist in several stages, including a due diligence and preparation of the project, taking into account legal, financial, and technical aspects.
An agreement was signed on cooperation with IFC in Uzbekistan
The Ministry of Finance signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (hereinafter referred as IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, to provide consulting services to Uzbekistan on structuring and competitive bidding for a public-private partnership (hereinafter referred as PPP) project for the construction of a 1300 megawatt combined cycle gas plant in the Syrdarya region.
The Asian Development Bank will support a public-private partnership project for the construction of a photovoltaic station
On August 16, 2019, the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed an agreement on the provision of consulting services with the Asian Development Bank on a project to build a number of photovoltaic stations with a total capacity of up to 1000 MW on a public-private partnership (PPP) basis.
Government resolution approves regulation on procedure for implementing PPP projects
A government resolution approved a regulation on the procedure for implementing a public-private partnership in financing the development of projects for the detailed planning of parts of localities.
Draft law on toll roads has been published for discussion
The draft law regulates relationship in the field of construction, maintenance and operation of toll roads. The State Highway Committee introduced a proposal for the regulation of toll roads in Uzbekistan.