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Measures to tighten control over microcredit companies are coming into force
Micro-credit organizations that are not NPOs are required to disclose information on the structure and composition of their shareholders (participants), including persons under whose control or significant influence they are, on the Internet starting from July 1, 2020. Previously, this obligation was not fixed by the legislator. These measures are aimed at increasing the transparency of the activities of such companies, as well as strengthening control over their activities.
Boundaries of the Free Economic Zone “Chiroqchi” are determined
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan has adopted Resolution “On measures of organizing activities of the Free Economic Zone “Chiroqchi”” No.267 dated May 6, 2020 (“Resolution No.267”), which establishes the boundaries of the territory of the “Chiroqchi” FEZ, approved the structure of its management, its charter and sources of financing its activities.
Improving the electronic public procurement system in Uzbekistan
In order to increase the efficiency of the public procurement system through the use of modern information technologies in the public procurement process and to ensure the openness and transparency of the system, at the initiative of the Ministry of Finance, amendments and additions were made to some regulatory legal acts regulating the public procurement system.
Decision of the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan on additional measures to support individuals and entrepreneurs amid coronavirus pandemic
On April 23, 2020, the Management Board of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan adopted a decision “on additional measures to support individuals and entrepreneurs amid coronavirus pandemic”.
The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic has approved anti-crisis financial and fiscal measures to support entrepreneurial activity
As part of the work on the economic consequences of the virus, on 31 March 2020 the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic has adopted a series of measures aimed at supporting entrepreneurial activity.