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A new edition of the Law “On Audit Activity” is approved in Uzbekistan
The Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan discussed and approved a new edition of the Law “On audit activity” (hereinafter – the “Law in a new edition”) during its twelfth plenary meeting on February 5, 2021. The Law in a new edition was developed in order to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the President “On measures for the further development of audit activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan” No.PP-3946 dated September 19, 2018.
Minister of Finance of Georgia adopted the Order on Amendments to the Order On Tax Administration
On 18 January 2021, the Order of the Minister of Finance of Georgia on Amendments to the Order “On Tax Administration” was published on the website of the Legislative Herald of Georgia
On 3 September 2020, Order of the President of the National Bank of Georgia on the approval of the regulation on Payment Card
On 3 September 2020, Order of the President of the National Bank of Georgia on the approval of the regulation on Payment Card Instrument was published on the website of the Legislative Herald of Georgia.
GDP growth of Uzbekistan in 2020
The January issue of the World Bank’s report “World Economic Situation and Prospects” (WESP), justified the forecast of GDP growth of Uzbekistan for 2020 and amounted to 0.6%.
Since January 1, in Moldova, cash payments between enterprises are allowed only within the limits of 100 thousand lei per month
At the same time, the size of one transaction between economic entities cannot exceed 10 thousand lei. The corresponding changes in the legislation came into force on January 1, 2021. To enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their type of ownership and legal form, making payments for their financial obligations in cash, including through a cash payment terminal (cash-in terminal), in an amount exceeding the monthly limit of 100 thousand lei, sanctions will be applied.
The NCFM suspended the activities of 5 non-bank credit organizations
The Administrative Council of the National Commission on the Financial Market suspended for three years the activities of non-bank credit institutions Credit Market, Microcapital, E-Cash and Rosst-X on the basis of decisions of the general meetings of shareholders of these organizations, as well as non-bank credit organization Realty Capital - in accordance with the decision of the only associated person of this non-bank credit organization.