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EAEU. New CN FEA codes
Since January 1, 2022 the 7th Edition of Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (the basis of EEMA CN FEA) will enter into force.
New framing for Holdings activities
Since April 10, 2021 the new Presidential Decree on Holdings activity is entering into force. It widens the powers of the Holding’s managing companies such as approval of business-plans on development of subsidiary companies.
Construction in the Belorussian-Chinese industrial park “Great Stone”
Currently in Belarus the international platform for performing business is active. On its basis the tax benefits, opportunity of conducting agreements on option for contracting, no foreign-change restrictions and other benefits are granted.
New requirements for certification of legal entities in construction
Since October, 4 2021 new requirements for certification of legal entities who perform various types of activities in the spheres of architecture, urban development, construction, examination of facilities are entered into effect.
GRATA International Law firm held the online conference: Specifics of concluding a license agreement
On September 30, 2021, the conference: Specifics of concluding a license agreement in: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan was held.
GRATA International held the next online meeting on legal issues at CCIFK
On October 1, 2021, an online meeting on the topic: "Environmental permits and declarations on the impact on the environment" at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Kazakhstan was held.