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New measures to financially support exporting companies are introduced in Uzbekistan
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to stimulate exporting enterprises” No.УП-6306 (the “Decree No.УП-6306”) dated September 7, 2021, starting from October 1, 2021, the following are approved
A new tax regime for certain categories of taxpayers is being implemented in Uzbekistan
In accordance with the amendments to the Tax Code introduced by the Law “On amendments and additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan” No.ЗРУ-714 dated September 14, 2021, a special taxation procedure may be established in certain territories of the Republic of Uzbekistan, providing for the application of special tax rates.
The procedure for regulating contractual relations in Uzbekistan is being changed
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to radically improve contractual relations” No.УП-6313 dated September 14, 2021, the following are canceled from December 1, 2021
Changes have been made to the Rules for the conclusion and execution of construction contracts
The amendments gave subcontractors the right, with the written consent of the general contractor, to enter into contracts with third parties for the performance of certain types of construction work.
New rules on labor protection
From September 22, 2021 the new Occupational Safety Regulations come into force. They spread on employers of all organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, carrying out various types of economic activity.
The new version of the regulation on the unified skills guide for positions of managers, specialists and non-manual workers (USGP)
From September 8, 2021, the new version of the USGP regulation comes into force.
USGP is mandatory for use in organizations, regardless of their legal forms, in which labor relations are based on an employment contract.