
The system of pre-trial settlement of disputes will be improved in Uzbekistan

In order to enhance the tools for alternative dispute resolution, improve the dialogue between state bodies and the population and protect their rights, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a Resolution “On measures to improve further mechanisms for alternative dispute resolution” No.ПП-4754 dated 17 June 2020 (the “Resolution No.ПП-4754”).

Within the framework of this Resolution No.ПП-4754, it was decided, as an experiment, to establish Appellate Councils for the pre-trial settlement of disputes between individuals and legal entities and state bodies (hereinafter - the "Appeal Council") under the State Customs Committee, the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography, and State Cadastre, Extra-budgetary pension fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as khokimiyats of Namangan, Bukhara and Tashkent regions.

This Appeal Council will consider applications from individuals and legal entities about violations of their rights due to illegal actions or inaction of state bodies and officials. At the same time, this procedure does not deprive them of the right to apply to other authorized bodies.

The Resolution No.ПП-4754 also defined the Appeal Council's main tasks that include the implementation of measures to resolve disputes between individuals and legal entities and state bodies in the form of consideration and adoption of conclusion. In case of discrepancies in the norms of legislation, or their incorrect practice, the Appeal Council takes measures on the official interpretation of legislation. The Council is also responsible for filling gaps in legislation by making proposals when considering appeals.  

It is noted that the Appeal Council is approved for two and a half years by the decision of the Head of the relevant State body. Thus, in the course of considering appeals, the Appeal Council adopts its conclusions in a recommendatory manner, which are then sent to the Head of the state body within three days. These conclusions can be accepted by the Head of the state body or rejected by justifications.

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