
Transition to a simplified tax system in 2020

The simplified tax system has been the most popular preferential tax treatment for several million taxpayers for many years.

What's the point? Low tax rate, which depends on the selected tax object: either 6 % (if there are no branches, less than 100 employees, the residual value of fixed assets for the year is no more than 150 million), or 5-15% (income minus expenses).

Previously, those who did not meet the requirements for a simplified tax system, necessarily changed the tax regime from the beginning of the quarter in which they violated the rules. On 31.07.2020, President Rossi signed a bill that introduced the so-called transition period.

What are the changes? For those who have the amount of income received, calculated as a cumulative total for the tax (reporting) period, was in the range of 150-200 million rubles and/or the average number of 100 to 130 people, may fall into the same "transition period.

In fact, after the taxpayer earns more than 150 million rubles or hires the 101st employee, the transition period begins. It starts from the very beginning of the quarter in which the basic limits were exceeded. In this case, the tax rate increases: 8% for the taxable " income "and 20% for the taxable object "income minus expenses".

If by the end of the tax period the simplified person's income does not exceed 200 million rubles, and the average number of employees does not exceed 130 people, next year they will be able to continue applying the simplified tax system.

When is the right to simplify finally lost? From the beginning of the quarter in which revenue exceeded 200 million rubles or the average number of employees exceeded 130 people, the taxpayer will lose the right to apply the simplified tax system. Then you will have to pay all taxes provided for by the General taxation system: income tax, VAT, property tax.

Of course, this is not an irreversible consequence. The company will be able to return to simplified taxation no earlier than one year after the loss of the right to apply the simplified tax system. Important: the limits for switching to simplified mode must be met again.

GRATA International St. Petersburg

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