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International taxation regulations
In accordance with the "Guidelines for improving the legislation of Mongolia until 2020", approved by the State Great Khural (the Parliament) on January 12, 2017, the Parliament on March 22, 2019, passed a revised version of the package of laws on Taxation.
Public emergency readiness regime has been extended
The public emergency readiness regime in Mongolia has been extended until 06:00 May 8, 2021 under a Governmental Decree No 104, dated April 23, 2021. In connection with this, the Governor of Capital City issued an Order No A/313, dated April 25, 2021 regulating the following issues.
The Rights and Obligations of the new Medicine and Medical Devices Regulatory Authority
Until December 2020, the Ministry of Health, the Centre for Health Development and the relevant departments of the General Agency of Specialized Inspection were responsible for the regulation with regards to import, export and distribution of medicines and medical devices under their respective functions.
Draft law on Protection of Personal Data
The Law of Mongolia on Personal Privacy which approved in 1995 has a general regulation that individuals protect their privacy and determine their confidentiality themselves, therefore it needed an urgent renewal in order to meet requirements of rapidly evolving technology.
Amendments to the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “on Amendments to the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan” was approved by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 23 February 2021.
Draft Labor code of Mongolia
In accordance with the “Basic direction of improving the legislation of Mongolia until 2020” approved by the Resolution No11 of the Parliament of Mongolia in November 2017, the revised draft of the current effective Labour code, which amended a total of 24 amendments and changes after approval in 1999, was submitted to the Parliament in March 2018.