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Public–Private Partnerships in Kazakhstan: Evolution of the Government Policy and Reality of PPP Deployment
This chapter examines public–private partnership (PPP) development in Kazakhstan from 1991 to the time of writing and reviews evolution of the PPP legislation and approaches used to create a PPP-enabling environment in order to draw lessons for the country’s future policy.
Personal Data Protection in the Republic of Tajikistan
As the use of the Internet and online activities have grown to be a major part of our lives, personal data protection becomes fundamental. The data protection legislation, therefore, must evolve along with the technical developments to address emerging issues.
Capital market in Kazakhstan – is there a positive outlook?
The recent outbreak of COVID-19 pandemia has not created any new issues for Kazakhstan’s economy, it has just uncovered the existing ones. Long before the pandemia it was already clear to the Kazakh Government that “oil era” is coming to an end and new instruments shall be developed to attract money to the country. As a response to the challenging reality, the Kazakh Government has to apply non - resource based means to boost the economy. Creating a strong capital market that will attract regional and foreign investors to Kazakhstan is one of such non - resource based measures.
Obstacles to Public-Private Partnership Development in Kazakhstan
By 2016 Kazakhstan established what was considered a solid legal and institutional basis for public-private partnership (PPP) projects that led to a sharp increase in PPP formation with 15 PPP agreements signed in 2016, 161 in 2017, 292 in 2018 and 294 in 2019. In addition to being the leader in Central Asia in terms of establishing a PPP legal and institutional framework and the number of PPP Agreements executed, Kazakhstan has also been successful in pursuing the 66 km Big Almaty Ring Road benchmark concession project (a toll road around the city of Almaty), also known as BAKAD. This project finally reached its financial closure on 7 August 2020, making it the largest PPP project in Central Asia.
Updated the list of requirements for organizing and conducting state control in the field of shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate objects
Since the entry into force in 2005 of the Federal Law on participation in shared construction, relations between buyers of apartments in houses, which are being constructed and developers have come under closer attention from government agencies. Federal law established a number of legal safeguards for buyers in the time of building a house and regulated the procedure for state control over the activities of developers.
Seizure of the server by the law enforcement agencies. How long can it last and what should I do in this situation?
For business entities, electronic document management is the norm in the modern world. Often, the original documents on paper are not stored carefully enough, and sometimes they are not available at the company's office at all. Unfortunately, this fact is also known to law enforcement agencies, which use this circumstance for their own purposes.