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Legal Alert: Amendments to Laws
In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to support individuals and business entities and reduce the negative impact of the pandemic (1) the law on the exemption from social insurance premiums and support from the Unemployment Insurance Fund and (2) the law on tax relief and exemption from corporate income tax was adopted on 9, April 2020. These laws were amended on 28, August 2020.
Is Kazakhstan finally a rising star for public–private partnerships?
The 66 km Big Almaty Ring Motor Road concession project (a toll road around the city of Almaty), also known as BAKAD, fi nally reached a financial close on the 7th August 2020, making it the largest public–private partnership (PPP) project in Central Asia. The project is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Bank of China, PGGM, Eurasian Development Bank and the IsDB.
Registration of ultimate beneficial owner information
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) announced that Mongolia included in the FATF grey list considering as a favorable country for supporting money laundering and terrorism financing on 18 October, 2019.
Switzerland to become more flexible and attractive as a leading international center for arbitration
The revised provisions on International Arbitration will enter into force on 1 January 2021, unless a referendum is held against it. This was decided by the Federal Council at its meeting on August 26, 2020. The revised law on arbitration is designed to be more flexible and user-friendly. In addition, it further increases Switzerland's attractiveness as one of the world's leading places of arbitration.
The Concept and Conditions for Legal Protection of a Trade Secret and a Know-How
There is no special law in the Republic of Kazakhstan that regulates the protection of trade secrets. Moreover, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not provide for an exhaustive definition of the term 'trade secret'. The provisions on trade secrets are differentiated through various regulatory legal acts, which causes some inconvenience in determining how far the definition of trade secrets can extend.
Leave without saving the PO without an order is not a reason for dismissal!
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, by Decision No. 13-KG20-1-K2 dated 22.06.2020, took the side of the employee, who did not wait for the vacation order, which required the approval of the management.