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Changes to the Decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission
A number of Decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission related to the customs declaration on goods comes into effect on 1 February 2020.
What legislative changes are expected to small businesses in Russia in 2020?
In 2020, a considerable number of changes are planned that will affect entrepreneurs and small companies. For small businesses, it is expected to increase insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs, and cancel preferential regimes for the sale of certain goods.
What changes, in the President's opinion, are necessary in Russian legislation?
Review of Vladimir Putin's address to the Federal Assembly.

On January 15, 2020, Vladimir Putin delivered a message to the Federal Assembly in which he raised a question. Is there a “Constitutional revolution" in Russia?
The implementation of super-services: which public services will be provided automatically in 2020?
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russian Federation is developing superservices that allow receiving public services online in a simplified mode, including those that provide social support.
What legislative changes are expected for large Russian businesses in 2020?
Despite the fact that most of the upcoming changes in 2020 are more related to small and medium-sized businesses, it is expected that representatives of large businesses will also change.
What legislative changes are waiting for the average Russian business in 2020?
If you carry out business activities employing less than 250 employees, your profit is not more than 2 billion rubles, and the share of medium and large enterprises, as well as States is negligible, or it is not at all, as a business entity-medium enterprise, get ready for the changes that will take effect in 2020.