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Legal alert: Law of Mongolia on Corporate income tax
The Parliament of Mongolia adopted tax reform package including the General Tax Law, Law on Corporate income tax, Law on Value added tax and Law on Personal income tax which shall take effect on 1 January 2020.
Legal instruments of proof of work on a contract at dispute of their performance
Speaking of proving the execution of the works by the contractor, the first thing should be to consider the acts of transfer and acceptance of completed works (Art. 720 of the CC RF (Сivil Сode of Russian Federation). They can be issued both on the established forms KS-2 and KS-3, USD, and in the form of a free-form act of acceptance and transfer, containing the necessary data to identify the work performed.
Legal Alert: Tax laws reform of Mongolia
The Government of Mongolia submitted a tax reform to the Parliament in 2018 including revisions to the General Taxation Law (GTL), the Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Law, the Value Added Tax (VAT) Law and Personal Income Tax (PIT) Laws. During the irregular session held on 22 March 2019, the Parliament passed the package of the revised tax laws which will be effective from 01 January, 2020.
Overview of Court Practice Related to the Settlement of Disputes on the Protection of Intellectual Rights
In this article we have tried to analyse the court practice in application of legislation in the realm of intellectual property, particularly in respect to trademarks, trade names and patents.
Investment in FEZ of Moldova through Project finance
The materials on this booklet have been prepared by Popa & Associates Law Firm, associate office of GRATA International in Moldova, for informational purposes only and are not legal advice or a substitute for legal counsel. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. You should not rely or act upon this information without seeking professional counsel.
Mediation condition in commercial lawsuits
With the Law published in the Official Gazette dated 19 December 2018 and numbered 30630, mediation was brought as a condition to file a lawsuit for commercial receivables. Within this scope, some provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code (“TCC”) and the Law on Mediation in Civil Disputes (“HUAK”) have been amended.