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Is it possible to force a buyer to pay in advance under the contract?
Usually, under the delivery contract, the parties agree on the terms about an advance payment for goods, such provision is aimed at protecting the supplier’s interests. However, the provision about an advance payment has negative impacts for a supplier.
Labor "Extremism" or How to Deal with Unscrupulous Employee
Any business activity, one way or another, is connected with the involvement of labor resources, since with the development of the company it becomes impossible to independently perform the necessary functionality. Thus, entrepreneurs and heads of business structures attract employees to perform certain duties, concluding employment contracts.
Is Kazakhstan finally ready to attract investments into its electricity sector?
The capacity market was finally launched on the 1st January 2019 in Kazakhstan to encourage investment for the renovation of old, as well as construction of new, power infrastructure facilities.
Russian law on digital rights
On 12 March 2019, the State Duma adopted in its final reading a draft federal law “On Digital Rights”, amending parts one, two, and article 1124 of part three of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (the “Law”).
Alternative Dispute resolution – Arbitration
Arbitration is the formal alternative to litigation resettlement. In this process, the disputing parties present their case to a neutral third party or arbitrator, who renders a decision. Arbitration is generally considered a more efficient process than court because it is quicker, less expensive, and provides greater flexibility of process and procedure.
Administrative liability for fake news in Russia
A draft Federal Law supplementing the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with three new offenses in connection with dissemination in the media and the information networks, including the Internet, of false socially significant information under the guise of reliable messages (the so-called "fake news"), and measures of liability for their commission depending on severity of consequences was adopted by the State Duma in its final reading.