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A unified procedure for conducting electronic online auctions is being introduced in Uzbekistan
In accordance with the Resolution of the President “On measures to simplify the procedure for conducting electronic online auctions, increase transparency and guarantee reliable protection of the rights of their participants” No.ПП-5197 dated July 24, 2021, starting from September 1, 2021, a unified procedure for electronic online auctions on electronic trading platform “E-auksion” is being introduced.
In Uzbekistan several types of public procurement contracts will be exempted from mandatory expertise
The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Resolution “On measures to ensure continuity of public procurement of goods (works, services) from public customers” No.473 dated on July 30, 2021 (the “Resolution No.473”).
A project office for the development of the mining and metallurgical industry has been established in Uzbekistan
The Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers “On measures for implementation of the strategy for long-term development of geology, mining and metallurgical and copper processing industries” No.498 dated on August 4, 2021 (the “Resolution No.498”) will establish a Project Office for the development of geology, mining and metallurgy and copper processing industry (the “Project Office”) under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction.
The Regulation on the procedure of financing PPP projects was approved in Uzbekistan
In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures to accelerate the implementation of public-private partnership projects and further improve the procedure of their financing” No.509 dated on August 11, 2021, the following were approved
GRATA International advices Coca-Cola Içecek Anonim Şirketi (CCI) in one of the largest privatizations in Uzbekistan
GRATA International has advised Coca-Cola Içecek Anonim Şirketi (CCI), the Coca-Cola bottler for Turkey, Central Asia, Pakistan and the Middle East, in its successful bid for acquisition of 57.118% state shares in Coca-Cola Bottlers Uzbekistan, Ltd (CCBU).
GRATA International in IFLR1000’s financial and corporate rankings across 8 countries
IFRL1000 released the third of four groups of rankings that represent IFLR1000's 31st edition which focused on identifying best firms and lawyers in financial and corporate, as well as project development practices across the globe.
Dispute resolution support in CIS and Eastern Europe
The continuing development and close economic links between countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Armenia), and close historic ties between CIS countries encourage constant cooperation between the countries, increase the volume of mutual trade and number of business projects between the companies from these countries.
A system of obligatory declaration of income and property of State employees and their families is being introduced in Uzbekistan
The Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to create an environment of zero tolerance for corruption, drastic reduction of corruption factors in State and public administration, and broad public involvement in the process” No.УП-6257 dated on July 6, 2021 (the “Decree No.УП-6257”) entered into force on July 7 of this year.
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan is preparing a draft Business Code
Codifying business activities brings together approximately 5,000 legislative acts regulating the relationship between business and government. This will reduce business standards and conflicts between them.
Uzbekistan introduces additional guarantees to foreign investors
On June 15, 2021, at the meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the deputies adopted the draft law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.