List of offices

Our New York representative encompassing virtually every practice in which the firm is involved, representing multinational corporations, not-for-profit institutions and individuals in corporate, litigation, finance, labor and employment, tax and intellectual property matters.

We distinguish ourselves by

  • being available for our clients in the US time zones;
  • understanding the challenges facing our clients in the US/Central Asia business and legal environments;
  • being a gateway to our full service expertise in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan
Ключові контакти
Алмати, Казахстан
П і д б і р   в а ш о ї  
к о м а н д и  
Одним з ключових чинників успіху проекту є Команда професіоналів, яка працює над ним.
  • оберіть одну з опцій

Натисніть для показу карти