Samat Daumov, Partner of GRATA International became a graduate of the first training course of the Investor School at the Astana Hub International Technology Park of IT startups
This intensive course is provided for venture capital investments for investors and business angels. The course program is aimed at creating a holistic view of the methodology for evaluating and investing in technology companies.
GRATA International representative in Dubai, UAE
GRATA International law firm continues to expand its capabilities and, from October 2019, GRATA will be operating in Dubai, UAE, through its representative office. Samat Daumov, partner of GRATA International, will be heading the representative office.
Building a regional network of a consulting firm or the largest network of lawyers and litigation attorneys in Kazakhstan
Any company can and shall make a choice at a certain stage of its development. We made our choice and decided to penetrate regions. Now, it has been almost 3.5 years since we have expanded our presence all over Kazakhstan, but we faced many difficulties that we would like to note and share our experience with other consulting firms dealing with legal issues. This article is aimed to encourage firms to contribute in the regions’ development.
Lawyers in Support of the Energy of Future!
On 10 June 2017, EXPO exhibition opens doors to its visitors.
Samat Daumov took part at the workshop 'Complex Problem Solving in the Law Firm Management' as a couch
Within the close cooperation with KAZGYUU University, Managing Partner of GRATA International - Samat Daumov, acted as a couch at the workshop 'Complex Problem Solving in the Law Firm Management'
GRATA Law Firm Sponsored a Dinner ahead of the OILTECH Atyrau Conference
On 13 April, in Atyrau there was a dinner (sundowner) ahead of the 9th Atyrau Regional Oil Technological Conference - OILTECH Atyrau. 
Партнер, Директор офиса GRATA International в г. Астана
Астана, Қазақстан