2018年7月3日,哈萨克斯坦经济论坛在阿斯塔纳市丽思-卡尔顿酒店成功举办。圆桌会议由哈萨克斯坦共和国总理Bakytzhan Sagintayev主持。
Building a regional network of a consulting firm or the largest network of lawyers and litigation attorneys in Kazakhstan
Any company can and shall make a choice at a certain stage of its development. We made our choice and decided to penetrate regions. Now, it has been almost 3.5 years since we have expanded our presence all over Kazakhstan, but we faced many difficulties that we would like to note and share our experience with other consulting firms dealing with legal issues. This article is aimed to encourage firms to contribute in the regions’ development.
Partner, Director of GRATA International in Astana
努爾蘇丹, 哈萨克斯坦共和国