Corporate agreement: shareholders’ agreement under Russian law
Shareholders’ agreement is a tool for the contractual regulation of relations between shareholders/participants of companies that is widely used in jurisdictions of the Anglo-Saxon legal system (in particular, the UK and the US), but also recognized and regulated by the laws of countries that have continental legal systems (including Russia, Germany and Italy).
Distribution contract under Russian law: antitrust restrictions
Russian civil law does not specifically provide such type of agreement such as a distribution contract. The contract, however, has become widely used in commercial practice as an instrument for regulating relations between producers/wholesale suppliers of goods and wholesale purchasers under the general principle of freedom of contract enshrined in Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the 'Civil Code').
GRATA Law Firm held a workshop titled: 'Kazakhstan - Russia: legal aspects of doing business'
On 24 April 2015, in Almaty there has been a workshop titled: 'Kazakhstan - Russia: legal aspects of doing business' held by GRATA Law Firm.
Parallel import remedies: Russia and Kazakhstan
The issue of 'parallel import', i.e. importation and(or) sale in any country of original trademarked goods, which were not put by the exclusive right holder into civil circulation in this country, and remedies applicable by the rightholders, directly relates to the key aspects of regulation of trademark rights such as
Choice of a Form For Doing business in Russia By a foreign entity
Information herein is effective as of July 2014 and is of a general nature.
Counsel, Corporate and Commercial
Москва, Ресей