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A new edition of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan is being drafted
The President ordered to create a new edition of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (the “Civil Code”), which shall meet the requirements of the real market economy and international standards.
New state duty rates have been approved and introduced in the Kyrgyz Republic for filing lawsuits to the courts, notarization, obtaining legal documents and copies of documents from Civil Registry Office
On April 15, 2019 the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, M. Abylgaziyev, signed the Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On approval of state duty rates”.
Draft law “On labor unions of the Kyrgyz Republic” is brought up for public discussion on April 12, 2019
A group of Jogorku Kenesh deputies offers to specify the rights of trade unions and establish their responsibilities.
Legal expenses insurance – marketopportunities in the Republic of Moldova
The law firm Popa & Associates, GRATA International associate office in Moldova, has organized a discussion panel focusing on legal expenses insurance. The aim of the event was to find out whether there is a chance of a successful offer of legal expenses insurance in Moldova.
GRATA International took part in "Protection of Intellectual Property Rights" Conference in St. Petersburg
On April 11-12, 2019, the 3rd International Practical Conference "Protection of Intellectual Property Rights" was held in St. Petersburg. Timur Berekmoinov, Senior Associate of Intellectual Property Department, as well as Aliya Zhumekenova, Counsel, represented GRATA International Law Firm at the Practical Conference.