
Бізбен хабарласу:
Жаңалықтар бойынша іздеу
In Uzbekistan, the number of licenses and permits for entrepreneurs will be halved
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan proposed to create a Fiscal Institute
In Uzbekistan additional 10 state services will be provided in online format
Public Services and the official websites of state and economic management bodies
Uzbekistan imposed sanctions for mining without a license
This rule provides for stricter liability measures
Legal reform in the energy sector is to be introduced in Uzbekistan
The Ministry of Energy, along with the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, has begun to develop a model for a competitive electricity market.
Deputies adopted 7 draft laws in the first reading
At the plenary meeting of the Legislative Chamber, the deputies adopted an extensive list of draft laws in the first reading.
Improved state construction control procedure will be introduced in Uzbekistan
The Resolution of the President dated February 5, 2020 envisages a new, improved procedure for state control in the field of construction