
Legal Alert: Mongolia has shifted to public emergency readiness regime

According to the Law of Mongolia on Disaster Protection, Disaster Preparedness regime have the following levels:

- Daily readiness;

- Enhanced readiness;

- Public emergency readiness (completely or partially).

The Government of Mongolia has decided to shift from Enhanced Readiness Regime to Public Emergency Readiness Regime nationwide for five days from 12 November to 17 November 2020 under the Decree No178 dated11 November, 2020 after a local citizen tested positive for coronavirus.

The term of the Public Emergency Readiness Regime has been extended until 06:00 AM on 1 December 2020 under resolution No 181 of the Government dated 15 November 2020.

Actions to be undertaken under the Law on Disaster Protection during Public Emergency Readiness Regime:

  • To transfer the operation of public and private entities to special regime;
  • To enforce quarantine and restriction regime and confiscate disaster and local sources;
  • To restrict, cancel and prohibition of cultural and public events;
  • To restrict completely or partially operation of trading, manufacturing, public performance, educational organizations except telecommunications, power, food supply, gas stations and other strategies activities and temporarily close the border or restrict entry traffic;
  • To undertake measures for smooth operation and safety of state special and strategic buildings and organizations;
  • To make a decision for sustainable economics and enforces the decisions;
  • To define special regime to the legal entity which provides service for social-economic safety, sustainability and normal conditions for the population;
  • To give direction and monitor on prevention activities on deficiency of strategic foods, goods, price increase and public riot;
  • To define and adhere special regime at border points during disaster and disastrous conditions with collaboration of the state border protection authority;
  • To suspend transportation of toxic and harmful chemical substances if required etc.

Obligations of business entities and organizations during COVID19:

In accordance with Article 13 of Law on Prevention, Combating of COVID19 pandemic and Reduction of its Adverse Social and Economic Impacts dated 26 April 2020, business entities and organizations have the following obligations:

1. To adhere resolution, procedure, demand, warning and recommendation on quarantine, traffic and hour restriction regime of competent authority instruction;

2. To prepare required resources in order to prevent from and fight with the pandemic;

3. To have frequent ventilation, disinfection and decontamination;

4. To create condition to prevent citizen and employee from infection in accordance with instruction and recommendation of the competent organizations;

5. To maintain workplace of employee who is in quarantine, traffic restriction and isolation regime;

6. Not to organize public events and meetings in form of breaching procedure on quarantine, traffic or hourly restriction, and communicating from distance etc.;

7. To create an environment to operate by using IT means or online form;

8. Not to increase leasing fee, goods and service fee and create artificial deficiency.

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For more information or any queries, please feel free to contact V.Bolormaa, Partner,  and T.Buyanjargal, Lawyer, of GRATA International Law Firm by bvolodya@gratanet.com, btungalag@gratanet.com or +976 70155031.

Авторы: Bolormaa Volodya
Ulaanbaatar, Монгол
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