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Kazakh government should concentrate on attracting cross-border Islamic financing
Though Kazakhstan adopted relevant legislation for domestic (such as the governed Kazakh law) Islamic banking transactions more than seven years ago and has a Muslim population of over 11 million, Islamic finance is still in the early stages of its development and Islamic products are rarely used. According to the National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK), as of 2018, the share of Islamic banking assets account for only 0.16% of total banking sector assets in Kazakhstan.
Doing Business in Kazakhstan
Let us introduce you this 'Doing Business in Kazakhstan' publication prepared by GRATA International law firm. The information in the brochure is based on theoretical and practical information available as of June 2018. The content of this brochure is intended for foreign businessmen and companies seeking to do business in Kazakhstan.
Significant developments in 2018 and 2019 in Kazakhstan: A lawyer’s perspective
The following is an outline of some of the major legal developments in Kazakhstan last year, and a selection of key changes that we anticipate for business, including Islamic finance, for this year.
Changes in the regulation of medicines circulation in Russia in 2019
This review highlights some significant changes in federal laws and other regulatory legal acts in Russia that regulate the circulation of medicines.
Changes in the procedure for admission of foreign medical devices and medicines to public procurement in Russia
On 1 January 2019, amendments to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 102 of 05.02.2015 that provides for restrictions and conditions for the admission of certain types of medical devices originating from foreign countries for the purpose of procurement for state and municipal needs ("Resolution No. 102")[1] and the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 2015 No. 1289 that establishes the restrictions and conditions for admission for the purposes of procurement to ensure the state and municipal needs of medicinal products originating from foreign countries included in the list of vital and essential drugs (VED) ("Resolution No. 1289")[2], came into force.
Almaty Light Rail Transit project in Kazakhstan
On the 29th November 2018, Almaty, the former capital and the largest city in Kazakhstan, received responses from nine international consortia, consisting of companies from Japan, France, Russia, Turkey, Spain, China and Kazakhstan, to participate in the first stage of the open tender of the Almaty Light Rail Transit (LRT) public-private partnership (PPP) project.