Жарияланымдар бойынша іздеу
Реклама и продвижение лекарственных средств и медицинских изделий
Ведущие специалисты юридической фирмы GRATA International в рамках отрасли “Фармацевтика и здравоохранение” подготовили материал на тему “Реклама и продвижение лекарственных средств и медицинских изделий” в странах: Беларусь, Грузия, Казахстан, Молдова, Монголия и Узбекистан.
The Legislative Herald of Georgia
The new law, for the purposes of eradicating problems existing in the wood sector, sets forth the system for sustainable management of forests, that ensures the improvement of quantitative and qualitative indices of woodland, protection of biodiversity, efficient utilization of economic potential without prejudice to ecological values, involvement of society in the management of forests and fair redistribution of the resulting benefit.
Anti-crisis Economic plan
On April 24, 2020 Prime Minister of Georgia – Giorgi Gakharia, presented Anti-Crisis Economic plan. Prime Minister reviewed social programs and economic reliefs that the government of Georgia had already implemented. Prime Minister presented the following anti-crisis plan: