Жарияланымдар бойынша іздеу
PPP Boom in Kazakhstan
As of 1 October 2019, 610 public-private partnerships agreements worth 1.5 billion tenge (about 3.8 million US dollars) have been executed in Kazakhstan. While PPP remains one of the areas of great interest to both Kazakhstani state authorities and prospective investors, it seems that the Government of Kazakhstan has decided to change its policy in relation to PPPs by shifting focus from quantity to quality of PPP projects to be implemented in Kazakhstan. 
Changes on VAT for E-services
The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (‘Kazakhstan’) is considering the draft law on the introduction of amendments to the tax laws.
Overview of Court Practice Related to the Settlement of Disputes on the Protection of Intellectual Rights
In this article we have tried to analyse the court practice in application of legislation in the realm of intellectual property, particularly in respect to trademarks, trade names and patents.
Would Kazakhstan emerge as a new destination for start-ups?
There is no doubt that Kazakhstan needs new economic drivers to facilitate the launch of innovative new businesses, to disrupt conventional industries and to transform intellectual capital into innovative start-ups.
Cybersecurity threats and mitigation practices
Cyberattacks remain an increasing threat across all critical infrastructure sectors in Kazakhstan. Threat to the various industries has increased dramatically along with the sophistication of cyberattacks.
New opportunities for investors: obtaining subsoil use right for hydrocarbons through auction
If an investor wishes to commence oil and gas activity (exploration/production) in the Republic of Kazakhstan (“RoK”), it shall obtain a relevant subsoil use right (“SUR”), which is formalized by execution of a relevant subsoil use contract (“SUC”).
Uncontrolled growth of ‘fake’ PPPs in Kazakhstan — what to expect?
Three local level public–private-partnership (PPP) projects are on the brink of collapse due to the relevant local state body of the Mangistau region failing to meet its obligations under the PPP agreements and to
pay on time to the respective private partners for constructed and operating kindergartens. It was alleged that the money needed for these PPP projects did not appear on the books of the local government in time, even though the respective PPP agreements, evidently, were duly executed and registered.
Is Kazakhstan finally ready to attract investments into its electricity sector?
The capacity market was finally launched on the 1st January 2019 in Kazakhstan to encourage investment for the renovation of old, as well as construction of new, power infrastructure facilities.
Kazakhstan expands central bank’s supervisory powers — good or bad move?
On the 1st January 2019, Kazakhstan promulgated certain changes in legislation that gave its central bank, the National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK), enhanced capacity and introduced risk based supervision of the financial sector.
Guidelines for the selection of trade names of medicines and for manufacturing of finished dosage forms in the Eurasian Economic Union
The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) approved on 29 January 2019 the Recommendations on the Guidelines for the Selection of Trade Names of Medicinal Products and the Guidelines for Manufacturing of Finished Dosage Forms of Medicinal Products in order to eliminate differences in the requirements for the manufacturing of finished dosage forms of medicines in Eurasian Member States Economic Union (EAEU).