Kazakh Approach to the VAT/GST for Electronically Supplied Goods and Services
In January 2022, Kazakhstan introduces the obligation on the VAT payment by foreign companies that are engaged in e-commerce with goods or provide e-services to individuals. The Law, dated 10 December 2020, No. 382-VI supplemented the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On Taxes and Other Obligatory Payments to the Budget’ (hereinafter - the ‘Tax Code’)’ with a new ‘Section 25. Features of Taxation of Foreign Companies When Engaging in E-Commerce with Goods, Providing E-Services to Individuals’.
Changes on VAT for E-services
The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (‘Kazakhstan’) is considering the draft law on the introduction of amendments to the tax laws.
Some Upcoming Changes in IP Legislation
Kazakhstan's accession to the World Trade Organisation, membership in the Eurasian Economic Union requires the improvement of national legislation in the area of intellectual property, elimination of contradictions and gaps, both within the provisions of national legislation and between national law and provisions of international agreements, to which Kazakhstan is a party.
The International Comparative Legal Guide series - Franchise 2017: Kazakhstan
GRATA International contributed to the International Comparative Legal Guide series - Franchise 2017 with the chapter on Kazakhstan.
Parallel import remedies: Russia and Kazakhstan
The issue of 'parallel import', i.e. importation and(or) sale in any country of original trademarked goods, which were not put by the exclusive right holder into civil circulation in this country, and remedies applicable by the rightholders, directly relates to the key aspects of regulation of trademark rights such as
Partner, Branch Director
Almaty, Казакстан