
Bakhyt Tukulov Spoke at the Legal Forum for Dispute Settlement

Bakhyt Tukulov Spoke at the Legal Forum for Dispute Settlement


On 19 May 2017, the Legal Forum for Dispute Settlement was held in Astana hotel 'Kazzhol'.  The event was arranged at the initiative of 'Atameken' National Chamber of Businessmen and Lincoln Brown law firm.

The Forum incorporated the judges of the Supreme and local courts, representatives of the Court Support Department of the Supreme Court, 'Atameken' National Chamber of Businessmen, leading law firms of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, such as Lincoln Conferences, Baker & McKenzie, Angels Niko Advisory LLP, GRATA, CIS London & Partners LLP, and others.

The welcome speech was made by A. Kydyrbayeva - the chairman of the Specialised Court Board of the Supreme Court, A. A. Bizhanov - the director of the Department of Legislation and Development of Self-Regulation of 'Atameken' National Chamber of Businessmen, and A. Korobeinikov - the senior lawyer of Baker & McKenzie law firm.

During the Forum, the participants discussed issues related to the consideration of investment, tax and other disputes, as well as arbitration practice and foreign experience in the application of English law. The event also included speeches by the Supreme Court judges - A.Saparova, U.Suleymenova, D.Shipp, as well as by A.A. Kaldybayev - the executive director of Atameken Arbitration Center, B.Tukulov - the Director of the Litigation Department of GRATA Law Firm LLP, S.Landen - the managing partner of London & Partners LLP, V.Kapatsina - the managing partner of Angels Niko Advisory LLP, and others.

Representatives of the Supreme Court informed about the implementation of reforms in the judicial system within the Nation's Plan '100 Concrete Steps' aimed at simplifying the judicial processes, expanding access to the justice, and creating the most favourable climate to support business. A particular focus was made to the effectiveness of provisions of the new Civil Procedural Code, development of e-justice, introduction of litigation on investment disputes, optimisation of the timing of civil cases, as well as the legal precedents on the actual categories of cases.

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