
GRATA International at the Astana Economic Forum 2019

GRATA International at the Astana Economic Forum 2019

Tlek Gusman, Senior partner, GRATA International, will take part in the Astana Economic Forum, which will be held on May 16-17, 2019.

Astana Economic Forum is an annual central business event in Eurasia. The forum will bring together about 3 000 representatives from more than 100 countries and will be devoted to key challenges and opportunities in the economy, geopolitics, technology, infrastructure, and business development.

The key event of the Forum will be high-level sessions "The Epoch of Protectionism: New Challenges in the Global and Regional Economy", which will be devoted to ensuring balanced growth, structural reforms and modernization of the national and global economy in the context of new economic realities and challenges.

Contacts: Tlek Gusman
Almaty, Казакстан
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